A Better Way To SculpSure

A Better Way To SculpSure 2017 is the Summer of Sculpsure and it is no secret that Manhattan Aesthetics is New York’s premier destination to permanently destroy fat. Having performed over 1000 treatments we are acclaimed as a center for excellence by Cynosure! You may wonder why New Yorkers are happiest at Manhattan Aesthetics and […]

Weighing in on Liposuction!

Weighing in on Liposuction! Liposuction commonly referred to as “lipo” can used to remove excess fat deposits from the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms, calves, chest, cheeks, chin, neck and back. The procedure which on average cost New Yorker’s $5,000-$10,000 on average has evolved tremendously over the years. While traditional liposuction which requires risky anesthesia, […]

Sizzling Summer Body By SculpSure

Sizzling Summer Body By SculpSure Summer is just days away and everyone in New York is rushing to get that perfect beach body. Don’t sweat it there is still time to look fabulous in a swimsuit! At Manhattan Aesthetics we can help you with the heavy lifting. SculpSure can help both men and women achieve […]