Manhattan Aesthetics
New York City SculpSure

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How Long Does SculpSure® Last?

Almost everyone has a few areas of fat that will not budge even with their best efforts. This challenging fat resists diet and exercise, but SculpSure® can help. This treatment contours and shapes your figure by targeting fat cells with laser energy. 

What is SculpSure®? 

SculpSure® is a non-invasive body sculpting tool that uses laser energy to painlessly break up fat cells. It can target stubborn fat in all the areas that bother people most, including:

  • Abdomen
  • Love handles
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Backs of thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Back fat and bra rolls

Because SculpSure® requires no invasive procedures to eliminate fat, it leaves no marks or scars, and you will not have any downtime afterward. 

*individual results may vary.

How Long Does SculpSure® Last?

You may assume that a painless, non-invasive treatment would have temporary results. Fortunately, this does not apply to SculpSure®. After treated fat has been removed by the body, those fat cells will not return. You can keep your slimmer, more sculpted figure as long as you maintain a consistent weight. While fat cells do not come back, the remaining cells can expand if your weight changes significantly. 

How Does SculpSure® Work?

SculpSure® offers an excellent tool for those who want to address those few difficult spots that a healthy lifestyle has not removed. SculpSure® uses a laser that passes harmlessly through your skin and targets the underlying fat cells. The laser heats these cells, causing their membranes to break apart. The body’s lymphatic system will filter away the damaged fat cells, leaving the area shaped and contoured. 

What Results Will I See With SculpSure®?

Your SculpSure® results take about six weeks to develop. You can see up to 24% of treated fat removed after one session. While some people will feel satisfied with their results after a single session, others will benefit from a second session. The treated area will look slimmer, and your figure will look more contoured and sculpted. Many people get a huge boost of confidence from finally shedding those last bits of resistant fat. 


Our expert providers here at Manhattan Aesthetics would be happy to meet with you for an in-person consultation.
Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our trusted staff members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

Is There Any Downtime With SculpSure®?

The SculpSure® procedure lasts less than half an hour, and you can leave immediately afterward. You can resume your usual activities, including returning to work. Some people notice that their skin looks red and feels warm after treatment, but this is not uncomfortable and will go away within a few hours.

Am I a Good Candidate for SculpSure®?

Good candidates for SculpSure® are within about 30 pounds of their target weight or have a BMI less than 30. SculpSure® is less restrictive than some other fat removal methods on who makes a good candidate. Ideal candidates have specific areas they want to target and have reasonable expectations. 


*Individual results may vary.


The first step is to come in for an in-person consultation with our expert providers at Manhattan Aesthetics serving Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, New York, and New Jersey. Please fill out the form on this page or call our office during normal business hours at 212-960-8172.

*Individual results may vary.