Sculptra® Manhattan | Smile Line Fillers New York City | Manhattan Aesthetics


Do you have deep set wrinkles around the nose and mouth?

Are you frustrated with Marionette lines that dramatically age your face? Do you feel like your facial appearance inadequately reflects how you feel on the inside? Would you like a way to subtly, yet noticeably improve lines and wrinkles on the lower face without surgery? If so, it might be the right time to start thinking about minimally-invasive Sculptra® injectables at Manhattan Aesthetics.

Sculptra® is an FDA-approved treatment that gradually replaces lost collagen caused by hormonal changes during the aging process. Patients can smooth fine lines and wrinkles by restoring lost volume and hydrating the lower layers of the dermis. Sculptra® produces long-lasting results with little to no pain, side effects, or recovery time.


Our expert providers here at Manhattan Aesthetics would be happy to meet with you for an in-person consultation.
Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our trusted staff members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

How Does Sculptra® Work?

Sculptra uses poly-L-lactic acid to naturally reduce the deep lines and folds on your face and is particularly effective in reducing “smile” lines and chin wrinkles. Sculptra® is delivered deep into the dermis, where strands of collagen support the skin. The cosmetic medication will then work to rebuild the collagen to provide you with a healthier, more youthful appearance.

Am I A Good Candidate for Sculptra®?

You may be a good candidate for Sculptra® if you would like a non-surgical solution for unwanted lines and wrinkles. Sculptra® is one of the longest-lasting injectables on the market. There’s no need for allergy testing and it is safe and effective for nearly all skin types, tones, and textures.

Sculptra® is a highly effective treatment for addressing visible signs of aging on the lower face including;

Nasolabial folds around the nose and mouth
Marionette lines framing the mouth
Chin lines and wrinkles
Hollow temples

During your in-person consultation, one of our Manhattan Aesthetic providers will assess your individual concerns and goals. Together you’ll be able to create a customized treatment plan to reverse visible symptoms of aging.


*Individual results may vary.

How Long Does a Typical Treatment Take?

Prior to your treatment, your skilled injector will apply a topical numbing agent to keep you comfortable throughout. Afterward, the treatment area is marked and prepared. Your provider will then strategically place the Sculptra® solution via a thin-gauge needle to trigger collagen renewal at the problem sites. The injection process typically takes 15-minutes or less. However, patients should plan to be in the office for up to 1-hour.

What Results Will I See?*

Most patients require 3-treatments over a 3-4 month period, though this may vary depending on your skin type and how much collagen you have lost. Results from Sculptra® treatments typically appear gradually and can last for up to 2+ years. Enjoy subtle, yet noticeable changes with minimally-invasive Sculptra® procedures. Touch-up treatments can be done as needed to maintain lasting results as the medication is naturally reabsorbed into the body.

Is There Any Downtime?

While many patients return to work immediately following their appointment, others opt to take the rest of the day off. Because Sculptra® is delivered to deeper layers of tissue, you can expect some redness, tenderness, or even bruising after treatments. We typically recommend icing the treatment site and performing a facial massage regime for several hours post-procedure. Makeup can be used to mask any redness or bruising after about 4-hours.


The first step is to come in for an in-person consultation with our expert providers at Manhattan Aesthetics serving Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, New York, and New Jersey. Please fill out the form on this page or call our office during normal business hours at 212-960-8172.

*Individual results may vary.